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Thursday 28 September 2017

resilience + relaxation

Resilience and relaxation. At first, this may seem a strange combination, impossible even. However, I'm still reaping the benefits from my Sweet Yoga retreat earlier this month and was gifted the space to build on my resilience and relaxation. I say 'gifted' because I truly believe that this experience was an important part of my self-care this year and was a treat for my mind, body and soul. My first time on this retreat was back in 2014, and I feel as though I benefited even more this time around. I was less anxious about the fellow yogis attending - you never know until you get there as I go alone. I trust Justine (who runs the retreat) and more importantly I trust the process. On this occasion, six nights in a picturesque village near Gois in central Portugal, practicing yoga twice a day tailored to our needs, and living in a beautiful villa complete with delicious homemade meals - a vegetarian's dream - well for me at least - and even the meat eaters were satisfied! It was as magical as it sounds! Eating dinner al fresco at night, great conversation and company, and lots of laughter!

Back to my resilience building. One of the activities we engaged in was using a tennis ball to help alleviate tension in our bodies, some points were particularly tender and uncomfortable, but we were encouraged to breathe through the discomfort and even now when packed on the tube like a sardine on my new commute to London, I think about these positive moments tinged with discomfort and it puts me back on track and helps me to keep focused. Admittedly, during my tennis ball practice I had moments of 'what on earth am I doing???' However, it was all worth it! Another action that I am able to practice since the retreat, is feeling grounded through my feet. Simple things like spreading your toes to feel rooted and steady! These are the little things that I have taken away with me and can hold on to. I'm so grateful. Relaxation wise, away from London and work, I was able to chill out, gaze out at the beautiful scenery, simply spend some time with nature, breathe in fresh air, hang out at the local river beach and not have to worry about my next task or email! When I chill, I really chill! It just so happened that I had some major life events to follow and the timing was perfect in terms of having this time to myself. Yes, some 'me' time!

For me yoga is not so much about fitness, but about connecting my emotions with my body and taking the time to meditate, think, and switch off and not feel guilty about it. I also like what it does for my core and posture, and my sense of being. I guess the common thread here is self-awareness. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that it is important to write about such experiences to remind myself that I should continue to make a commitment to doing things that inspire and nurture me.Whatever 'it' is that works for you, do it!

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